The Official Collector Edition DVD Boxed Sets are too expensive for me, why don't you sell them at a lower price?
In response to fans who have requested a more economical alternative to the Collector Edition DVDs, we have developed value-priced editions with each season sold separately in two volumes.
Season 1, Volume 1 was launched in November 2014. Volume 2 was released in January 2015.
Season 2, Volume 1 was released in June 2015. Volume 2 is not yet confirmed.
Seasons 3 through 5 will be released shortly after each season's Collector Edition DVD sets are completed and released. The value-priced editions do not have the printed program booklet or other special packaging enhancements found in the Collector Edition. The value-priced editions are available only from Walmart stores, Sam's Club, and walmart.com.
About the Collector Edition DVD sets.
Many dedicated fans have been waiting for LGL to release a special authorized version of the series on DVD, so Levy-Gardner-Laven Productions' licensing subsidiary LGL Licensing LLC (LGL) has produced Collector Editions for Seasons 1 and 2, with plans for all five seasons to be produced and released successively in sequential order.
The Collector Edition DVD boxed sets contain all episodes for each season presented for the first time ever in the sequence of their original telecast in a single volume multi-disc set. Together with the special features, each season's set contains 15–17+ hours of content, which is twice the content in DVD sets typically sold today.
Each of the Official Collector's Edition DVD sets is a high-quality presentation handsomely packaged in a fold-out tray-pack that slides neatly into a slipcase. It features a program booklet and original artwork and photographs throughout.
In the DVD sets, why is the opening credits sequence for the episodes in Season 1 different from the other seasons?
When the series was released for syndicated broadcast after the series was broadcast originally on ABC, moving the opening title sequence ahead of the original "teaser" openings enabled television stations to broadcast episodes in the order of their choice and to accommodate local advertisers' requirements. The opening sequence for the episodes in the Season One DVDs shows the syndicated version, as opposed to the original broadcast version.
Beginning with Season Two, and continuing with Seasons Three through Five, The Rifleman episodes are presented in their original broadcast order and original broadcast sequence. The original telecasts began with (1) a 1-2 minute "teaser", (2) the title opening with Chuck Connors firing his customized Winchester rifle, (3) a "brought to you by" sponsor announcement, (4) a sponsor's commercial, and then, (5) the entire episode telecast. Responding to fans who have asked to see the "alternate openings" as they aired originally, the broadcast format is reproduced here as closely as possible, except for the original sponsor/commercial clips, which are omitted.
I have read some critical reviews about the quality of the Official Season 1 DVDs online; are they true?
We have read the same reviews, which prompted us to perform an independent Quality Assurance (QA) test. All eight discs were tested on a representative range of DVD players, both newer models and older brands and models. All eight discs played back perfectly on all DVD players that were tested, except for two older models, which experienced slight playback problems on two discs in the eight-disc set.
Levy-Gardner-Laven Productions continues to optimize the transfer of elements from our 55-year old library to digital form as the DVDs for each season are produced. We are committed to achieving the highest standards of quality using available technology.
We will happily replace defective discs if you contact us via phone or email, so we can provide you a return code and instructions about where to return your defective disc (be sure to include your packing slip or proof of purchase). If you have an older machine, the same problem may occur, in which case the solution is to (1) install software updates to your existing DVD player (which we find solves the problem) or (2) upgrade to a newer DVD device.
We cannot replace any products not purchased via our website. If you want to return a product purchased via Amazon.com, you need to go through your Amazon account. Amazon will provide a replacement or refund promptly.
Questions? Need a return code?
Contact us during normal business hours:
Mon–Fri, 10am – 3pm PDT (excluding holidays)
call 310-278-9820 ext 312
or email us at:customerservice@lgllicensingllc.com
Why do the episodes appear to stretch horizontally on my TV screen or show black bars to the left and right, or even top and bottom?
This is due to settings on either the DVD player or the television/flat screen. The episodes were originally formatted for broadcast on television screens that had a 4:3 aspect ratio. Newer model television/flat screens are formatted in 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio. We compensated for this difference so that the episodes will display correctly (without stretching horizontally) on both older and newer televisions/ flat screens, with black bars appearing on the left and right when the widescreen setting is not activated. Typically, DVD players are set to detect the monitor format so the video will display correctly. However, the DVD player settings may override the formatting if the player is set up incorrectly, in which case, you may have to manually change the output setting in the DVD menu to prevent horizontal stretching or eliminate top and bottom bars. Each DVD player is different, so the wording and navigation menu may look a little different on any given player. Also, the setting on the television/flat screen may also need to be adjusted. Please look at your manuals accompanying your television/flat screen and your DVD player on how to make these adjustments, if they are not being made automatically.
About North Fork General Merchandise (NFGM),
our online store
Is North Fork General Merchandise the only outlet for purchasing authorized Rifleman products?
Outside of NFGM, currently, we sell four products via our own store pages on amazon.com:
1.) The Official Season 1 Collector Edition DVD boxed set, available at:
(search the product ASIN number – B00H7LCPGW – in the Amazon store to find our page)
2.) The Official Season 2 Collector Edition DVD boxed set, available at:
(search the product ASIN number – B00QMX8RJA – in the Amazon store to find our page)
3.) The Official Season 3 Collector Edition DVD boxed set, available at:
(search the product ASIN number – B01BX1EJ1K – in the Amazon store to find our page)
4.) The Official Season 4 Collector Edition DVD boxed set, available at:
(search the product ASIN number – B01MTEKSXK – in the Amazon store to find our page)
Not sure if it's legitimate? Our Amazon listing reads: "Sold by The Rifleman - North Fork General Merchandise and Fulfilled by Amazon." NFGM and amazon.com are separate entities. Inquiries, order confirmations or return of products purchased through amazon.com should be handled directly through your account on amazon.com. If you bought a product through NFGM on therifleman.net website, you should communicate with us by phone during normal business hours by calling 310-278-9820 ext 312 or emailing us at: customerservice@lgllicensingllc.com.
The value-priced editions are available at this time only from Walmart stores, Sam's Club, and walmart.com.
If and when our partnering or co-branding relationships change, we will post the updated status on this website.
I see Rifleman products sold on Amazon.com and eBay.com and other websites. Are they your partners or are they authorized by you?
Except for our own amazon.com store pages and walmart.com, no other businesses are partnered with us or are expressly authorized by us at this time to sell our products. It is not illegal to buy products from us and resell them. Individuals or businesses that purchase products directly from us may resell them in their own stores – online or offline – often at significantly higher rates than our price points. They are not our partners and they are not doing us or Rifleman fans a favor, especially when they resell our products at inflated prices. Read more about price-gouging and illegal or pirated products on this website at: www.therifleman.net/gm/#abootlegs
Your shipping rates seem high, why is that?
Third party shipping rates such as those of the US Postal Service, FedEx, UPS, etc are discounted only to businesses with high volume sales. Heavy items such as mugs are especially expensive to ship for small businesses. Large companies like Amazon and other mid- to large-sized businesses can leverage economies of scale and negotiate discounted rates on third-party shipping, and so, they are able to passalong significant cost savings to customers. One of the reasons why LGL has store pages for some of our products on amazon.com is so our customers can exercise the option to get a good deal on shipping.
Why don't you ship internationally?
International shipping rates together with customs duties, insurance and unreliable delivery service make it impractical for us to fulfill overseas orders at a reasonable cost to our customers.
We are aware that many fans outside the United States would like to own authorized versions of "The Rifleman" television series on DVD, so we have two solutions available to customers:
1.) We will work with customers directly on a case by case basis to arrange international shipping to some destinations. Contact us during normal business hours by calling 310-278-9820 ext 312, or email us at: customerservice@lgllicensingllc.com. We use USPS and all orders are shipped with a tracking number.
2.) We have our own Amazon store page where the Official Season 1 DVD set can be purchased and shipped almost anywhere in the world. Amazon offers a variety of shipping options. Our Amazon store pages for the Official Season 1 through 4 Collector Edition DVD boxed sets (episodes 1–142) are:
Inquiries, confirmations and return of products purchased through the amazon.com should be handled directly through amazon.com.
Are you planning to add more products to the online store?
Our priority is to complete production of the entire series of 168 episodes on DVD. We will continue to add products periodically. As new items are released, we send announcements to our subscriber list and post an announcement on our home page, so we encourage you to visit our website from time to time and join our mailing list at: http://bit.ly/1bkA1In (this is our short url).
Merchandise under consideration or in development is confidential. Likewise, projected release dates are not publicized in advance.
I have a great idea for a product, how do I submit it?
We appreciate that fans want to see more products featuring The Rifleman brand. If you submit your idea via our website contact form, it will be routed to our suggestion file, which is reviewed periodically. We do not have the resources to respond to every suggestion, and we do not discuss any products under review or in development.
About The Rifleman series and the stars
I have a script for a movie or television remake, how do I submit it?
We are not accepting unsolicited scripts, treatments or story pitches at this time.
Will there be a pilot or a remake of the series?
At this time, there are no plans for a pilot or a remake under development If or when the status changes, we will post it on this website.
Where is the original rifle?
There were several rifles, some used as models or for stunts. All are now in private collections (we do not have contact information).
Where was the original series filmed?
The series was filmed on location and at several different studios that are no longer in existence, having been dissolved, merged with other companies or sold. Consequently, none of the original stages, sets or props remain. Some of the original locations where the series was filmed included CBS-Radford (Four Star Studios) and Interior Western Street, Republic Backlot and Western Street, Fox Studios on Western), Iverson Ranch, Janss Conejo Ranch, Paramount Ranch and 20th Century Fox Ranch.
How do I contact Johnny Crawford? Can you forward a message to him from me?
Johnny Crawford has a website maintained by his family and friends at: johnnycrawfordlegacy.com. Fans can also visit Johnny Crawford's Facebook page.
How many different directors, writers and actors worked on the series?
The original premise for the series and all the available "behind the scenes" details can be found on this website at: www.therifleman.net/program-history/. Principal crew for the 168 episodes filmed between 1959 and 1963 included 36 directors, 67 writers and more than 500 actors in credited roles. Biographies of the actors in guest-starring or recurring roles can be found on this website at: www.therifleman.net/guest-stars/.
Were can I buy a CD of The Rifleman music?
Herschel Burke Gilbert (1918–2003) produced the signature score for The Rifleman series. It is one of his most memorable projects in a long, illustrious career. He produced several thematic compositions for the show, all with lyrics (see: www.riflemanconnors.com/hbg-riflemanlyrics.htm).
A 2-CD set featuring the iconic Rifleman music has been produced by Laurel Records and is available here on the Official Rifleman website. The CD set contains cues originally written for the series (including the original and revised end titles) remastered from the original audio tapes. It also contain compositions from some of the iconic films Gilbert scored.